
Thursday, October 11, 2012


"When life gives you lemons-make lemonade"

What if you get so many lemons at the same time, that even your lemonade makes you pucker?

This weekend is not going as I'd planned...for many many reasons.  Allow me to elaborate.
1. I had taken off work, bought a super cheap ticket on Megabus to Chicago for the weekend, planned to see some close World Race friends, see Chicago, and have a great time!  Turns out my best friend couldn't make it, she has a wedding.  But that's old least 2 months old.  No Chicago.
2. Michelle and I had decided to go to Worlds of Fun, since we haven't gone this year.  It's 100% chance of precipitation, and possibility of severe thunderstorm-not worth a 3 hour one-way drive. No Worlds of Fun.
3. When we cancelled Chicago, another friend from the World Race decided she'd come visit me in Omaha!  So excited to see her again.  She texted yesterday that she had something unforeseen come up and wouldn't be able to come.  No Ashley.
4. Still looking forward to a 4 day weekend, I found out at the end of my shift at work that the owner will likely close up shop by the end of the weekend.  No job.  No income.

So...No Chicago, No Stephani. No Worlds of Fun. No Ashley. No Job. No Income.

Rather, I get to spend the weekend searching and applying for jobs.

I know God has it in control.  I know that the Cazual Cup was a temporary thing (I didn't foresee HOW temporary).  I know that it was exactly what I needed and what I wanted for that time...but I'm failing to see where God's going with this.  Proverbs 19:21 is on repeat in my head. "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."

I planned to go to Chicago. I planned to go to World's of Fun. I planned to hang out with Ashley.  I planned to still be able to go to a job on Tuesday.

But God's plans are not always my plans.  And in those moments I realize that I am still caught up His grace, His purpose, His love, and His plan.  And I can rest in that.

I know He'll provide.  He always has.  He always will.  I do not doubt that.  I rest in the fact that He has something better planned for me-even though I can't understand it right now.

So here's to my indefinite weekend-filled with job searching, meeting with friends, job searching, LOST, and some much needed alone-time with God.

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