
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Barefoot Church (Ch 1-3)

So I bought this book several months ago...something about it just drew me in.  It sat on my shelf for a long time while I finished other books I had started.  Last night I dusted it off and got it started.  I knew from the start that I would probably get "church-slapped" (my new term for getting a good slap across the heart to wake up and do something...Crazy Love is another one that does it).  When I posted that I had started this, several people asked to be informed on what I thought, or what it's about. So I figured I would blog it.  It's going to be mostly quotes from the book, with a few of my thoughts interspersed.

It was clear what Jesus was saying: "This is how I want my church to look, a place where love and self-sacrifice are hardwired into the DNA of my people, of solidarity with the poor-a true community rallied around my gospel. I want a church where the alter is not only a place to take communion but also a place to leave your shoes. I want a barefoot church. (21)
This was in response to a church service he went to where the minister asked them to bring their shoes as a donation to the needy, when they came to take communion.

Mother Theresa lived by a belief that there is physical, emotional, and spiritual need in every community.  Need is everywhere, yet we too often fail to see it. If we don't see it, we won't be bothered by it. If we're not bothered by it, we won't engage it. By our neglect, we become the oppressor. (22)

We recognize need. We talk about it with others, we buy the T-shirt, and even read the books. But so often we fall short of doing anything.  Sympathy remains only sympathy until we do something about it. (34)

Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, suffering and injustice when He could do something about it.  But, I'm afraid He would ask me the same question. (34)

If God's words do not create a sense of indignation for our condition, lack of concern, or neglect, we should pray that they do. (40)
This is in response to several scripture passages discussing God's emphasis on caring about social injustice, taking care of the needs of the widow and orphan, etc.

Need is everywhere, yet somehow we have conditioned our eyes not to see it.  We see problems. We see things to avoid. We see things that aren't right; but when we don't see them as needs, we're less likely to realize we are the ones who should do something about it. (50)

Essentially, Barefoot Church is about getting out and doing something for "the least."  About allowing the church to focus on sending out AND gathering, which most churches choose to 'gather', and allow nonprofits and parachurch organizations to handle the 'sending out.'  I think that in the upcoming chapters, there will be more ways to be able to step out...but these first several chapters have focused on seeing the need as God sees the need.

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