
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Churchy thoughts

It's snowing today.  I knew it would be, so I had already decided that I would do church at home.  That meant not setting an alarm, and after going to bed around 2 (with time change), I wasn't able to talk myself into getting out of bed until 11.  Judge all you want, my room was cold, my bed was warm.  I have no regrets.  So I got some oatmeal and made some coffee (breakfast at 11...not quite as unusual in my life as it should be) and settled down for some time with God.  I started with worship with Jesus Culture Pandora station, while I looked for a podcast to listen to.  Coffee in hand, I listened to a sermon by Erwin McManus out of Mosaic church in LA.

I love the Bride of Christ, the church.  She's not perfect by a long shot, but she tries.  I've been involved with the same church for the past 5 years, mostly in the youth ministry, but attend church services there as well. I find myself constantly frustrated, leaving church critical of the sermon, and not challenged whatsoever.  I listen to 20 minutes of talk about Scripture, and I feel like even that should evoke some sort of change, because the Word of God is living and active!  But rarely do I leave changed.   I don't doubt that my pastor speaks to people, that he speaks on their level, but I crave something more.  When I move, I want to find a church that challenges me, that's not afraid to step on my toes a little bit to make change happen.  Also, since reading Barefoot Church I've realized that I also want to be involved in a church that IS involved.  A church that serves others, not itself.  My current church is headed that direction-and I'm excited for the end result, but unfortunately even that is several years away.  We're called to be the hands and feet of Christ, not just sit in his building.  I suppose that goes with being challenged.

I love the Bride of Christ....but I long to see her do more.

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