
Monday, April 15, 2013

My Compassion Experience

This weekend I volunteered with The Compassion Experience here in Omaha.  My job was to set the ipods for people to go through the experience, and clean the headsets when they finished.  But the weekend was so much more.

I arrived on Friday, not completely sure what to expect.  They sent me through one of the stories.  There were three stories, Brinda from India, Julian from Uganda, and Ruben from Bolivia.  I went through Brinda's story.  The first room was her home, complete with hindu gods covering every wall and shelf.  I was in India two years ago, this took me directly back.  She speaks about her family, and living in India, and the Hindu religion.  The next room was the Compassion center, including a picture of her sponsor and several letters written from her sponsor.  She writes about how they taught her about the one true God, as opposed to the hundreds of hindu gods. As I pushed aside the curtain into the next room, I found myself standing next to a hospital bed.  Her grandma had been sick, and was likely to die.  Her family prayed to all of the hindu gods they could.  They brought in an Islam healer.  Her grandma didn't get better.  Finally they listened to Brinda's pleas that they pray to the God of Christianity.  It was a last resort, but they did.  Her grandma was healed.  Brinda's family, her mother and grandma believed on that day.  Her sister believed when, several years later, they had no money to allow her sister to finish school.  They prayed and fasted for 3 days.  On the third day, someone they barely knew gave them enough money to pay for her sister's schooling.  Brinda graduated from the Compassion program, and helped teach at a school at her Compassion site.  She now works for Compassion in Bangalore, India.  I walked through the last curtain, and there she was.  Brinda, in the flesh.  The girl whose story just wretched my heart, was standing in front of me.  For hundreds of people this weekend, the feeling of disbelief in seeing her was overwhelming.  I saw many people come through the doors with tears still in their eyes.  Brinda is traveling with the Compassion Experience, telling her story all over the United States for the next 4 weeks.  She got to experience snow for the first time here in Nebraska.  She said Indian food in Omaha is not Indian food.  She has an incredible heart, and I was so blessed to get to be around her for a couple hours this weekend.
I posted this picture on Facebook, and my dad commented:
"Wow...that's awesome!!!! I know at times it must seem that the support you give to your Compassion kids seems small, or meaningless....but what great evidence you've seen....and will one day see...well done Jess!"

I sponsor two children through Compassion.  That's $76 a month.  Sometimes it feels like that's all it is.  Just money out of my bank account.  Meeting Brinda this weekend, hearing her story, and Julian's story, reminded me that it's so much more.  It's providing hope.  It's providing stability. It's providing a brighter future.  I already know that one of my sponsored children, Gerson, will be a great preacher someday.  He already encourages me in every single letter with scripture.
With Gerson, in Honduras.
With my other sponsored child, Keny

I saw many people come through the doors at the end with tears in their eyes.  My heart swelled with joy when I would notice the sponsorship packet in so many hands.  Kids excited to sponsor another child, because they have what those children don't.  We had one girl who couldn't have been more than 12, want to give a donation.  She gave $5.  Her brother gave $5.  She ran out, and came back with a $20 from her dad.  Her other brother dug in his wallet, pulled out a quarter, but held on to it and said "let me find a dollar." He gave $5.  The generosity of children wanting to help children melted my heart.

Really, great experience.  Great program. If you have an opportunity to sponsor a child, do it.  You can change a life, and the life you change can go on to change thousands more.  You have no idea what your sponsorship will do.

If you want to sponsor a child, visit this website.

If you have any questions about sponsorship, talk to me. My email is

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