
Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Perfectly Wonderful Evening

Let me begin by saying that since taking my new job, my Saturday mornings begin at 6:00am.  Now, this has been ok for the last couple weeks because I get to see a killer sunrise almost every morning.  One thing to know about me, some of my favorite things include sunrises and sunsets...both are far better with a few clouds scattered throughout.  This morning's sunrise, not so impressive.  I made it through 8 hours of work, and got a full hour at home to shower and watch a Nebraska native play in the Olympic volleyball match (they won...if you're not following) before scooting off to the church.  This evening we had a "recap" session for our Honduras trip with several of our youth.  It was a great time reminiscing about our experiences there, and I enjoyed hearing it from the students perspectives.
After mingling (if there's one thing I'm not so good at, it's mingling...thankfully I'm far worse at far many other things to really detest mingling that much...), I walked outside to my car to head home..and I saw this:
Nope...not that.  That's not in Nebraska.  But oh my goodness look at the awesome beach I got to minister close to for an entire month!  I sure do miss the Philippines...

There it is!  I really think that one of my love languages is Sunsets...there's something about them that just fills my heart with so much joy, I can't really describe it.  ON TOP of the sunset, it has also cooled off enough that I could drive all the way home with my windows down, blaring my Glee playlist and belting it out at the top of my lungs.  3 of my favorite things in one night: sunset, driving with the windows down, and belting out my favorite tunes.  I pulled into my apartment complex, sat there, unwilling to get out.  There are some times when it's just a waste to go inside and not enjoy a perfect evening.  So I decided to go for a cruise, got some Sonic for dinner, and thoroughly enjoyed myself and the evening.

Sometimes it really is the simpler things in life.

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