
Sunday, July 22, 2012


Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship.

One of my good friends, Jeff, leads worship at our church.  We'll often talk about how worship is more than just coming to church and singing Sunday mornings.  Jimmy Needham's song "Clear The Stage" is one of many songs that touch on that subject (see above).  Jeff (and most worship leaders I know), are diligent about expressing their desire to see worship become more than just the songs we sing.

And so I thought.  If I made my life my worship, what would it be like?  

When I worship (henceforth used in reference to the singing part), I get lost in it.  For those precious few moments, it's just me and God.  No one else matters.  Nothing else seems to take precedence.  My problems seem to fade away in the light of being in God's presence.

Why can't I live my life like that?

Why can't my life be just me and God?  

Why can't I live a life where nothing but Christ matters?

Why can't I keep God on the pedestal all the time?

Why can I just find that peace and joy when I'm singing worship songs in a sanctuary?

If we're supposed to live our lives as our worship...I'm missing something.  And when I think long enough about it, it always comes back to me.  Me being on the pedestal.  Me attempting to deal with my "problems" (I use the "" because, in reality, my problems are minuscule to the world's problems).  Me trying to figure out my future plans, or present plans.  Me me me.  
So here's the solution:
ME I need to take myself out of my focus and put my attention always on Christ.  It's hard in this world, filled with distractions and realities on screens that are much easier to slip into.

I was struck in our worship service this morning that I desperately need Christ to be the cry of my heart and the passion of my life.  

Only then will there be LifeWorship

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