
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Workout At Work

I may have mentioned that I work at a coffee shop.  Did I mention that we're still in the process of becoming a booming business?  That means that I have a lot of down time.  I usually fill this time stocking up on our delicious selection of baked goods...but sometimes I even need to space that out!  So I was on Pinterest recently, and found a blog where this woman writes about "Lazy Girl Fitness"(you can read the original blog here: .  I modified it, since I don't have any free weights, and came up with several good workouts I can easily do while I'm at work.
1. Counter Pushup.  Using good form, complete sets of 10 pushups (or more).
2. Butt Abductor.  While behind the counter, lift each leg behind you. Do 30 each side.
3. Lunges.  Rather than walking down the hall when I need to use the bathroom, I'm lunging. 
4. Milk Curls.  When I'm restocking the milk, I take time to do 10 curls with each arm. 
5. Abs. While waiting for breakfast sandwiches to heat up in the microwave, I do an ab twist, contracting the abs as I rotate my upper body.

I think I just figured out how to be much more productive at work!

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